Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Birth and Life of Opera

       The Birth and Life of Opera is a documentary about the evolution, development and influences of Opera. Opera was born in Florence over 400 years ago. The Camerata- a group of artist, writers, and poets- worked to create an art form combining music, dance, drama, and poetry, which is now known as the opera. The first opera, although unsuccessful, was "Dafne" released in 1598. The second experimental opera was at the Royal Wedding in 1600 which was also unsuccessful. According to the documentary, the first successful opera was "L'Ofero. 
       Opera has continued to be very successful in today society. It was and is still a way of life in Italy; however, the opera is universal and is appreciated in various parts of the world. It is said that the opera's unreal experience has a unique power.

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