Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Jono Vaughan symposium

Professor Vaughan is a transgender artist whose work explores her gender identity as well as other and includes issues about transgender. Vaughan uses art as a social tool and believes art has the ability to change lives: enhance and educates. Her exhibition "Rather Pretty Drawings" is a collection of multimedia artwork that are historical narrations based from art history. Vaughan say's its meant to be theatrical. One of my favorite projects Vaughan talked about at her symposium, was the exhibition "Deluded" which is a "case and portfolio." The exterior of the portfolio is wood to symbolize masculinity and the interior is velvet to symbolize  femininity. Vaughan explained this is how she feels: she was a male physically on the outside but felt like female emotionally. I think that project is a great representation of Professor Vaughan.

Visit this link to view more of her artwork: Jono Vaughan

Behind the Scenes: WICKED

Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to see "Wicked" on broadway but I have a lot of friends who have and they said it was amazing. Watching the behind the scenes clip opened my eyes to all the work it takes to put a musical together. From the costumes the performers wear to the songs sung, every single thing plays an important role in the creation of the musical. I could only hope that one day I get the chance to see this phenomenal show on broadway. I also would very much love to see "The Lion King" on broadway

Click link to watch behind the scenes: Wicked:behind the scenes

South Pacific and Coco Cola Commercial

I would have to say this commercial was by far one of my favorite super bowl commercial. This commercial demonstrates the foundation of the United States which is suppose to be based on freedom and equality. This country was not founded on bigotry and discrimination, so why is there so much controversy about this commercial? We are all equal. We should respect diversity in the U.S and be grateful that we can come together as a nation. It's sad that racism is still going on today. Consequently, a 1949 broadway musical cause this same type of controversy. "South Pacific" was a broadway show about an american soldier who fell in love and had children with an island girl. It sent a strong progressive message about racism. The issues of racial injustice was explored throughout the whole musical and most people were not pleased. Why haven't the views of some american people changed from back then to now? We are still dealing with the same ignorance of racial injustice and discrimination. As a minority, I feel entitled to the same rights of others and believe it is our duty as Americans to respect equality throughout this nation.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Oculus Rift

Photo courtesy Oculus
I have never really been into video games but I love watching movies, especially action films. I think the Oculus rift would be a major break through for the movie industry and the video game industries. Giving people this life-like experience through film and advance technology will instantly become a phenomenon. I definitely interested in this visual presentation idea and look forward to taking part in it whenever it is finalized. Technology is advancing rapidly and before we know it we would be able to communicate with each other through hologram.

Visit the link for more information: Oculus Rift

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Madame Butterfly

Madame Butterfly is an emotional animation story about a woman who falls in love with a captain who she believes she has a strong bond with. After making passionate love, the captain leaves and Madame Butterfly waits patiently for his return. While he is gone, she gives birth to the child, a little girl. When she see her love's ship returning, she waits at the top of the hill, where they first met, to greet him with their child. She believed that everything was going to be as it was and that they could finally be a family; little does she know that would always only be a dream. Once the captain returns, he takes their little girl from her and runs off with his new family. Madame Butterfly's heart is broken and in the final scenes, she dies very dramatically by her ripping her head and body apart. What's sad is, she was holding on to a love that didn't last and lost the one thing she always loved, her daughter.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Birth and Life of Opera

       The Birth and Life of Opera is a documentary about the evolution, development and influences of Opera. Opera was born in Florence over 400 years ago. The Camerata- a group of artist, writers, and poets- worked to create an art form combining music, dance, drama, and poetry, which is now known as the opera. The first opera, although unsuccessful, was "Dafne" released in 1598. The second experimental opera was at the Royal Wedding in 1600 which was also unsuccessful. According to the documentary, the first successful opera was "L'Ofero. 
       Opera has continued to be very successful in today society. It was and is still a way of life in Italy; however, the opera is universal and is appreciated in various parts of the world. It is said that the opera's unreal experience has a unique power.